Friday, June 27, 2014


A gamer's #1 problem is probably gonna be about games. a gamer would worry about this the most in his/her life. now i personally love video games and i'm an expert gamer. however, some gamers would consider themselves experts because they're good at one game. one measly game isn't gonna make a difference. in my book, to be an expert you need to be good at at least five games. these can be anything from COD (call of duty) to Minecraft, even Pong can be taken into consideration. but in the end it's the harder games that count. so a tip for all you gamers: choose the games that suit you, not games that your friends have. a tip for non-gamers: never mess with a gamer and his/her games.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

The Beginning

Hey all you gamers and non-gamers! Welcome to my new blog! Here you can hear about life as a gamer, and it's not an easy one! Check back for more and more posts every week!